Mortgage Assistance Relief Services Rule: A Compliance Guide for Lawyers

Many people who have trouble paying their mortgages seek legal assistance to save their homes or avoid foreclosure. Services consumers ask lawyers to perform run the gamut: representing clients who are in legal proceedings related to foreclosure; advising them on the legal and tax implications of foreclosure, short sales, or bankruptcy; or negotiating a modification of a client’s loan.

Lawyers who offer mortgage assistance relief services need to know that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the nation’s consumer protection agency, has issued a regulation affecting how these services can be marketed and provided: the Mortgage Assistance Relief Services (MARS) Rule. Because attorneys are subject to state requirements that duplicate much of what the Rule requires, the Rule has provisions that specifically address the practices of attorneys who provide these services.

Are Attorneys Covered By The MARS Rule?

In general, attorneys are not covered by the MARS Rule if:

  1. They provide mortgage assistance relief services as part of the practice of law;
  2. They are licensed to practice law in the state where their client or their client’s home is located; and
  3. They comply with all relevant state laws and regulations concerning attorney conduct.

Attorneys who don’t comply with these requirements are subject to the Rule’s provisions. Examples of activities that likely could cause attorneys to lose their exemption include:

What About Collecting Legal Fees?

Lawyers can charge clients fees in advance if: 1) they’re providing mortgage assistance relief services as part of practice of law; 2) they’re licensed in the state in which their client or their client’s home is located; 3) they’re complying with state laws and regulations concerning attorney conduct; and 4) before they perform any services, they place the fees in a client trust account that complies with state laws and regulations. Non-attorneys who offer mortgage assistance relief services can’t collect fees until their customer has accepted a written offer of mortgage relief from their lender or servicer.

Under the Rule, attorneys can’t withdraw fees in the client trust account before earning the fee or incurring the expense. To maintain their exemption from the Rule’s ban on upfront fees, attorneys must comply with all state requirements related to use of client trust accounts. Laws and regulations for attorneys vary by state, but examples of activities that likely could cause attorneys to lose their exemption include:

  1. Withdrawing money from a client trust account before the attorney earns fees or incurs expenses;
  2. “Front-loading” fees for mortgage relief assistance services to expedite the withdrawal of funds from a client trust account;
  3. Failing to keep complete records of transactions associated with a client trust account;
  4. Failing to notify a client of a withdrawal so that he or she has an opportunity to review the transaction and, if necessary, contest it; or
  5. If a client contests a withdrawal, failing to keep those funds separate from other clients’ and attorneys’ funds.

The Rule doesn’t restrict the type of fees attorneys may charge their clients. Attorneys may charge any kind of fee, including flat fees, contingency fees, hourly fees, or some combination. However, before performing promised services, attorneys must deposit any fee in a client trust account. Regardless of the type of fee an attorney charges, he or she can’t withdraw money from the account until fees are earned or expenses incurred.

For More Information

The BCP Business Center: Your Link to the Law

Questions about the MARS Rule? Contact:

Division of Financial Practices
Bureau of Consumer Protection
Federal Trade Commission
Washington, DC 20580
(202) 326-3224

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