Gospel Of Jesus D Bernard

A little after 15 minute mark → Eg. of proper Biblical belief. Jesus was seen by over 500 people at one time, and He commanded them to go to Jerusalem, and tarry for the promise of the Father. Those people saw Jesus, and believed to some extent after seeing Him. However, on the Day of Pentecost, there were only 120 present, and first received the Holy Ghost. The rest of the 500 did not believe, obey, and receive as a part of the first group to receive the Spirit. We hope they were part of the rest of the 3000+ to receive the Spirit that day, but there is no guarantee. The point is that it's not what you see and believe in your mind, but your actions are what matters in what is called “saving faith.” It does not mean mere mental ascent and subsequently stand on the sidelines. It means commitment.

The removal of sins at water baptism is the work of Jesus, not man. So, the removal of sin is not works of man.

23 min mark Illustration of showing up at the bank is not earning the money. If you do not believe, you will not show up. Faith is not what you say, only, but what you do. Faith is not what you hear only, but what you do. Eg. In the parable, was the son who actually worked in the field, or only said he would work in the field, the one who did the will of his father?

Luke 6:46 Jesus is not Lord unless they obey Jesus.

Obedience is necessary for salvation John 14:15 Obedience is a test of love.

Romans 5:1-2 we are justified by faith, and we enter into grace by faith.

Rom 1:16-17 salvation comes to everyone who believes

Rom 6:17 basically says you were (meaning past tense) the servants of sin [meaning they are now set free from sin) (So how were they set free?]. But, you obeyed from the heart, that form of doctrine. Now chapter 1 says they were saved by faith. This verse says by obedience. Is this a contradiction. Of course not. You are saved by obeying the gospel. Belief and obedience are two sides of the same coin.

The whole purpose of Paul's ministry is to cause people to come into obedience to the faith.

Hebrews 5:9 tells us Jesus became the author of salvation to all those who obey Him.

Hebrews 11 is known as the faith chapter. V7 Noah was justified or counted righteous by his building of his boat. He obeyed God. What if Noah said, I'm not going to build an ark, because that's work, and I'm just going to trust you God. In trusting God, you do what He tells you to do. V8 by faith, Abraham obeyed. You don't believe instead of obeying. You believe by obeying. Heb 11:28ff the Israelites spared from death by believing and putting blood on the door post. If they said they would only believe (in the sense of mental ascent), they would have died. Saving faith includes obedience. 2 Thess 1:8 Jesus will come back in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who obey not the gospel. We are saved by believing AND obeying the gospel.

Definition of saving faith- accepting that Jesus death on the cross is the sole means by which we are saved. That is part of the definition. Yes, you must mentally understand that Jesus is your savior. The next part is this. you must obediently respond to the gospel. You apply the gospel personally in your obedience. We do this by obeying the gospel.

It's kind of like the good news – bad news jokes. Before I can tell you the good news, I have to tell you the bad news.

Romans 3:23 all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.

Romans 6:23 is another bit of bad news. The wages of sin is death.

The good news is that Jesus died in our place.

Burial is important because it shows that Jesus' death was real and final.

Christianity is the only religion that depends on the death of it's founder. And the only religion that depends on the Resurrection of it's founder.

1 Cor 15:1-4 is the good news in a nutshell. This verse uses the continual present form of the term for faith meaning one needs to continue to believe. This is another reason that eternal security is wrong. We have already seen that mental ascent faith alone is not sufficient. So, how do you obey that good news in a nutshell? How do you apply it personally to your life? Remember, we read the verse that says that judgment will come on all those who do not obey the gospel. So, you cannot simply stop at the level of mental ascent belief. You must put it into practice, in your life personally. How do we do this? Going to Acts chapter 2 we see that Peter preached the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus (that's the simplest form of the gospel). How did they, respond, obey, and put the gospel into practice?

Side Note: When Peter declared that Acts 2 events were a fulfillment of Joel's prophecy, and of calling on the LORD, he indirectly said Jesus (Gr. Kurios) is the same God as the OT “LORD.”

Peter wasn't just speaking about tongues when he referred to Joel's prophecy being fulfilled, because he quoted all the way up to the part about “calling on the name of the Lord.” He was preaching about Jesus, not just tongues.

God raised up Jesus. Now, here is a brief explanation of this. Who raised Jesus? The Spirit of God raised Jesus. The same Spirit, which was Deity Who inhabited Jesus' body during His earthly ministry, re-entered that body and raised it up.

In response to Acts 2:37, according to some people's doctrine Peter should have said, don't do anything. While Peter was preaching, the people realized that they had crucified the Messiah. According to some people's teaching, the people were saved at that point. If that was true, at that point, Peter should have said “You are already believing Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection, now go home. You are saved!” Peter could have said, “I'm here to proclaim the happy news that you are all save now, you've all, obviously had changes of cognition.” Peter could have said, “You now believe that Jesus is Lord and Messiah, go home (sign your name on the church role before you go), you're all saved, go home, and live like you wont to because Calvin said 'once saved, always saved'.” But, that's not what Peter did, and not what He said. It's as if Peter says, “You didn't believe Him before, but now you believe Him, well then you need to obey Him.” It's as if Peter said, “You believe what I'm telling you, OK. You need to act on what I'm telling you. You can't leave here without properly responding to what you now understand.” So in Acts 2:38 Peter tells them how to act on their faith, and obey Jesus. Acts 2:38 contains the first instructions telling sinners how to be saved. And this pattern is repeated several times in the book of Acts and it is alluded to throughout the epistles.

Dealing with People Who Have Not Yet Obeyed Acts 2:38:

Dr. Bernard said often people will ask “Are you telling me my church doesn't preach the gospel?” Response: If your church is proclaiming that Jesus Christ died for our sins, was buried and rose again, that's the essence of the gospel, and I commend you for that. Happy that you are doing that. He says, if you believe that and are preaching that, great! But what I'm asking you is, do you know the response to the gospel? Let me ask you, how do you obey the gospel? The response is repentance, being water baptized in Jesus Christ's name, and being baptized with the Holy Spirit. Just as happened with the apostles, complete with the sign of speaking in tongues as God's Spirit gives utterance. Not just believe it in your mind. How do you obey and apply it? If you haven't obeyed it, you need to keep on going. If you started to believe, you need to keep going, don't stop short of receiving everything that God has for you. Go on and obey it.

So, this is an effective way to share the gospel, and your faith, without being offensive, and not saying that people don't know anything, don't have anything, don't preach anything, and don't believe anything. They do. In fact, in many cases, they have the gospel in it's simple form. But, they are not sure what to do with the gospel. And our job is to explain what to do with the gospel. And to share the urgency of properly responding to the gospel.

Some may say, are you condemning me to hell? Response: “I'm not your judge, but I can tell you what the bible says, and your actions are between you and God. You must obey God's Word. 2. I give you my personal experience, and I know it's true and real.” There are some who defiantly say “You're telling me I'm lost and going to hell!” Well, if he is trying to skirt God's Word, if it's someone trying to run from God, you can say, “Well…. You said it, not me. You know where you are, you need to repent.” But, if it's someone who is struggling to understand, Bro Bernard says he doesn't usually say that, because first of all he isn't the judge. And he might say very sincerely, “I am not your judge, and my opinion is not what counts. But, I'll give you two things… 1. The Word of God. 2. my own testimony, that this salvation experience is real, right, and powerful. I've given you these two things. It's in your hands, between you and God. That's all you have to do.” You, who know the truth, don't have to be pushed into a corner and forced to make harsh statements. For one reason, what is psychologically going on there is this. A lot of times people will try to really pin you down, and force you to say something really strong that they seriously disagree with. They are trying to get you to say something that they can say… well… I would never agree to that, so I could never go to that church. Then, they feel: free, OK, and a release, to dismiss all of the Biblical things you have shared with them. Then, they rationalize that “he can't be right on that, because, you know my grand mother wasn't baptized.” Or, “this person I used to know was really nice and he wasn't baptized, so this guy must be wrong about that, so he must be wrong.” So, the conviction that they are feeling, they feel justified in dismissing it, and shrugging it off.” So, concerning the salvation message, don't allow them to push you into a corner. You refuse to get put in that corner. Don't let them off the hook. Leave them on the hook.

Sometimes they will try to steer the conversation off of the core salvation plan topic, on to other peripheral Bible issues. (Just like the lady at the well did in John 4). Don't start giving them a bunch of scriptures for all that. You simply share with them that you believe we have scripture for all of that, but all of that isn't really important right now. You can say, “Look, right now the most important thing is not where you should go to church, and all that, but the most important thing is if you're going to obey God's Word today. You Gotta face up to the truth [just as the lady at the well needed to do]. You need to obey the truth that you are aware of. You can't evade it by asking all these other questions, to make yourself feel good about dismissing Jesus' Word. You can't deflect and ask well, what does your church teach about this, and what about that, and do I have to do that…. Just deal with the truth in front of you. That's the most important thing for you right now. I'm just saying what the Word says. Beyond that, all these hypotheticals and such, that's not for me to say. Those scenarios are in God's hands. You have to deal with the Word of God. You aren't in a desert. You aren't unaware of the salvation message, or the proper response to the gospel? In the judgment, you will not have these excuses to rely on. You have a choice to make today. You are plenty capable of properly responding to the gospel today, and being saved right now. The question is, are you going to be saved, or are you going to reject what Jesus provided for you? They have the issue to deal with. If not now, and you are still breathing when you leave here today. You still need to study, consider, and pray about what I shared with you today. What is most important between you and the Lord right now is if you're going to obey His Word, and do what He said Repent, be baptized in Jesus' name and receive His Spirit. You have to deal with that. Ask Jesus what about that. Ask Him what that means. Ask Him if you have already had that. Ask Him if you need that or not. Because it doesn't really matter what I think, but it does matter what God thinks.”

There are 9 accounts and examples of water baptism. Only 5 of them describe the name formula. In all 5 of those occasions, it describes the name of Jesus. Acts 2:38 those on the Day of Pentecost, primarily the Jews. Acts 8:16 the Samaritans (part Jew and Gentile), Acts 10:48 the gentiles were commanded to be baptized in the name of the Lord. In fact, other translations here say in the name of Jesus Christ. So, every class of people, Jews, Gentiles, and those who were both. In the mouth of two or three witnesses, let every word be established. So, already we see a pattern for all races of people. If that's not enough for you, Acts 19:1-6 contains another example in which people were baptized in Jesus name. What was the difference in the baptisms? It was calling in Jesus' name at baptism. That was the difference, but that was sufficient reason for Paul to re-baptize them in the name of Jesus.

If we find people who have been “baptized” another way, other than the biblical way, … [Dr. Bernard sometimes says. “In a world full of people who reject Christ, you made an effort to identify with Christianity in some way. I commend you for that. But, now that you understand more clearly, don't be satisfied with the step you took in the past.”

Then, the fifth account is Acts 22:16. The Greek is very clear, in this verse it says to call on or invoke Jesus name. The way you invoke the authority of Christ is to invoke, say, or utter, His name – Jesus.

What about the baptism of the Holy Spirit? In Acts there are 5 such accounts. Acts 2:4 they spoke in tongues. In Acts 10:44 the Jewish Christians at that time thought that the Gentles had to convert to Judaism, and then receive the Spirit. So, what convinced the Jews that the Gentiles had received the Holy Ghost? Answer: When they spoke in tongues. If the Gentiles simply jumped up and said, I believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.” They would have said, sit down. No, you haven't you're a Gentile. Even if they said, they felt such joy, the disciples would have said, you will have to wait till you're converted to Judaism. They wouldn't have been impressed, and wouldn't have known that God was in agreement, and involved in their conversion. But, instead we know that they received the same experience that we (the disciples) did.

In fact, Acts 11 tells the story that Peter tells about that occasion. Peter says they received the same experience as those did on the Day of Pentecost. Now, there is no record of “fire” mentioned in Acts 10, etc. But, Peter says that they received the same experience as those people (Peter included) did on the Day of Pentecost. And, that is how we can say that we received the same experience as those on the Day of Pentecost? Because we have spoken in tongues just like they did. In Acts 11:17 (cf v15-17) it says God gave them the like gift, as God gave us when we believed. Peter is linking true belief with receiving the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost. Acts 19 is another of the 5 references. Acts 8 is the 4 th account, even though the miraculous sign is not expressly identified. Notice that Acts 8 also proves that mental assent belief alone does not constitute receiving the Holy Ghost. They knew that they didn't have the Holy Spirit. So, at the moment that Peter and John laid his hands on them, they knew that they at that instant had received the Holy Ghost. Just people saying I feel so good and I feel such joy, is not something that Simon would have wanted to purchase. Paul, in the 5 th account, says I speak in tongues more than you all. So the pattern is established.

In Mark 1:15 he said repent ye and believe the gospel. If you are going to do so, you will repent right? Also Mark 16:15-16.

Romans 8:2 reveals that we have new life through the Spirit of Christ Jesus.

John 7:37-39 so, from the teachings of Jesus, we find that believing truly includes the fact that you will receive the Holy Spirit. Jesus is saying, if you really believe on Me as the Scriptures teach, you are going to be filled with the Holy Spirit. So, Jesus links faith and receiving the Holy Ghost.

Someone says, Do I really need the Holy Ghost? Is it really for me? Well, it says as many as the Lord our God shall call. The call goes to everyone, but not everyone responds. Certainly, if a person has felt God calling and drawling them. Well, that answers that question. Then, that means the promise is for them.

How to share your faith, and the gospel with people:

1. All have sinned Rom 3:23

2. Wages of sin is death Rom 6:23

3. The way of salvation is through faith in the gospel. Obeying

What is the gospel? 1 Cor 15:1-4 death, burial, resurrection That the gospel is the death, burial, and resurrection. Only way to be saved is by faith in the gospel Rom 1:16-17. (Cf Romans 5:1-2)

How do I believe, apply, and obey, the gospel personally? How do I believe the gospel? It's the same question.

It's not just repeating some words. It's not just accepting with your mind. It's taking action based on what you now know. Believing has to involve obeying. How do you obey, respond, and apply it personally? That's where Acts 2 comes in. And when you fulfill that, you have received the gospel experience.

There was some kind of physical demonstration on the Day of Pentecost, because they acted as though they were drunk. But, most significantly they heard them speaking in these various languages. So, they asked the question. What is this, and what is going on? All the apostles were there, and obviously in agreement, one mind and one accord. Apostle Peter stands and relates his message. So, Repentance is your dying with Christ. Your baptism is your burial with Christ. Your coming out of the waters, and also receiving the Holy Ghost is your rising to newness of Life with Christ. 1 Cor 15:1-4 is the essence of the gospel. Acts 2:38 is our response to the gospel.

A lesson for the witnessing person. Peter starts on a topic that the people are intrigued about, and quickly steers the conversation to Jesus, and their own soul's salvation, including a personal relationship with Jesus Christ – right now. The crowd was asking about the outward manifestations that resulted when people properly responded to the gospel. But Peter, quickly gets through with that subject and on to Jesus. He's basically saying this outward manifestation happens because of a man named Jesus. Many of them knew of Jesus, and some of them had called for Jesus' crucifixion a few weeks earlier. They knew he was a good man, and did miracles by God's power. Peter basically chided them, saying they should have listened to Him, accepted what He had to say. But, instead, you killed and crucified Him. You thought that was the end of it. But, Peter quoted verses from Psalms, relating that God would not allow His body to see decay and corruption.

Peter's climax was in stating that that same Jesus' God raised again, and made Him both Lord and Christ. He is the Lord and Messiah. He preached the simple gospel.

Some people have a little trouble with repentance. Most figure that out pretty quickly though. But, many balk at being water baptized, and receiving the Holy Ghost. Often they will give you a scenario, like what if a man is stranded in the desert, and realizes his need for being saved, and can't get to somewhere to be water baptized before he draws his last breath? Before his last breath he cries out to Jesus and says Jesus forgive me of my sins save me, and dies not having been baptized. You know… on their way to an oasis to be baptized in Jesus' name. “Are you telling me they are going to hell?” Well, this is what I say. “Well, the real question you are asking is what about in the process? And, I would say, whoever is in the process, if they are living, they need to finish the process. If they die in the middle of the process, we put that in the hands of God. God is the judge. I preach the principals, and God judges the individual cases. It's kind of like the scenario that plays out with a lawyer and a judge. The lawyer argues out the law, and the judge decides how the law applies to that specific case. We leave that up to God.

But, the practical thing for you [those we talk with, and ourselves] is that we are all in the process.” So, we have a choice to pat people on the back and say, “well you're in the process, as long as you started, don't worry about any more. You repented of your sins, you accepted Jesus, you got started, so, don't worry about it.” Or, we could say, “hey, you got started, the whole point is to finish.” So, we have a choice, we can help complete them, or we can give them a false sense of security, and help possibly damn their souls, and just pat them on the back and say “don't worry about it.” We can “comfort” or “complete” them. Say…. “don't stay where you are… complete the experience. You Believe on Jesus, that's great, but you need to press on until your belief is complete.”

If we shouldn't give them false security by telling them that they are going to church, and they have good intentions, and that must be good enough.

Rather, we can affirm them in getting started, and urge them not to stop where they are. We can say, “The point is that you are not dead, you're alive, and you can make it to a baptistry right now. So, you have a responsibility and a privilege not to stop, but to keep pressing on. It's obvious that the attitude of faith is to move forward, and be water baptized. The just shall live by faith. If there is more for me, I want it. If you renege on your opportunity to complete your salvation, there is a legitimate doubt as to whether you really are living by faith. Is that a faith relationship? To say, I have all I want, and I don't want anymore, isn't walking by faith, not a proper response, it's not obedience, and it's not following Jesus.” You might interject, “Even if I could show you in the Bible that there is more?”

People say, “is this absolutely necessary, or I'll go to hell? I say, “That's the wrong attitude to have. It's the attitude of faith to say, if God has it for me, we need it, we want it! We're going to pursue it and receive it. If you really believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, He says “Follow me!” He doesn't say, go a little bit and sit down the rest of your life. He said “Follow Me!” So, the attitude of faith is to keep pressing on to receive the full apostolic, Biblical, salvation experience.

The words of Jesus:

Mark 1:15-16 the kingdom of God is at hand, you have to start by repenting and believing the gospel. Based on this, could you repent and refuse to believe at the same time? Probably not practically so. So, Jesus is commanding people to turn away from sin, and believe the gospel. Can you imagine a so called preached message that says, “Don't turn away from Sin, and believe the gospel anyway?” If you're going to really believe the gospel, you have to turn away from the sin.

Mark 16:15-16 Belief and baptism are linked in the same breath. Once you profess to believe you go on to be baptized. If you believe and follow through, you're going to be saved. But, if you do not believe you're going to be condemned (or damned or lost). Believing and being baptized, is like buying a ticket and getting on the plane. It would be like me saying, “I'll arrive in St Louis”, but If I don't buy my ticket, I'm not going to make it, am I? Another statement would be, “If I don't buy my ticket and I don't get on the plane. ” I mean if I don't buy my ticket, I'm not going to get on the plane. You see how that works there?

Dr. Bernard mentions baptism without faith, and says infant baptism is an example, and says baptism without faith is really no baptism at all. So, faith is really the key there in John 16:16. People who say baptism is irrelevant think that Jesus meant to say, “He that believeth and doesn't get baptized shall be saved.” or “he that believeth and is NOT baptized shall be saved.” Note: putting words in Jesus mouth there is a pretty scary thing to do. I mean to say, “you know I'm the editor here, and I think the scripture is OK, but I'm going to ad a 'NOT' to it.” If the editor says, “it would have been better if Jesus had said it this way….” You know,…. “Really He didn't say it exactly right. It's confusing the way He said it…. What He meant to say was ….” and then he sticks 'NOT' right in the middle of the sentence. Well, that's not legitimate editing, you have changed it to be the opposite of what He said…

Objection: Some people say, “well, I don't want to say baptism is necessary for salvation because that's like saving yourself” Well consider that Jesus is the one who is absolving your sins when you are baptized. That' not salvation by works. You are simply responding correctly in faith to what He told you to do.

Objection: What about the guy in the desert? What about hypotheticals? To me we can't use hypotheticals and cleaver arguments to say Jesus didn't say what He said. And take away what the scripture said. Those kind of things, we put in the hands of God. God is a just and merciful judge and He is the only one who judges knowing all things. His judgments are and will be perfect.

Objection: Some people say, “I want to believe, but I don't want to obey Acts 2:38.” They say “I just want to believe, I don't want to do all this stuff that you say.” You say “Great, that's the only way to go. Believe. But when you Scripturally believe, something happens.” Or say, “Wait a minute Acts 2:38 is how you believe. When you believe you repent. That's what Jesus said. When you believe you get baptized. When you believe you receive the Holy Ghost. I'm not the one who invented all this. Jesus came up with all this. After all, that's the whole point. Following Jesus. It's about obeying Jesus – isn't it?”

So, this is the gospel message, and it's how we respond to the gospel.

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